407 Margo
Margo is a 3 1/2 year old about 70 pound purebred yellow female. She was surrendered to a bay area shelter when her owner was diagnosed with cancer and required hospitalization. He had no one to care for Margo in his absence. She was very stressed in a kennel environment and they requested rescue. It took Margo a couple days to settle here, but now she’s part of the family! She appears to be house trained, uses the doggie door as needed and sleeps in a crate at night. She knows sit, she has nice house manners, but the rest of her basic obedience is lacking. She pulls on a leash out of excitement, and a round of obedience training will do wonders for her. She is learning to live with several other dogs–she likely didn’t have a lot of dog-dog interaction before but she is doing great. Playing fetch is her all time favorite past time and she could play fetch with you or by herself all day long. If you are looking for an active, fun lovin’ girl that you will make as part of your family, check out Margo.
Dog Rating Level 2