391 Lacy
Lacy is a 75 pound 8 year old chocolate (and tan) female. Occasionally a gene pops out in labs giving them tan markings and breeders give those dogs away. It doesn’t make them any less a lab and that’s how Lacy’s owners got her. They loved her, cared for her, trained her and with a major life change, very sadly gave her to us to find her a fabulous home. Lacy is a bit shell shocked right now…she was temporarily staying with friends who put a shock collar on her to keep her out of their pool and she got a bad skin infection on her neck. It’s healing now and no collar is on until it heals, so it’s easy to see poor Lacy’s life has been up-ended and she needs stability back in her life. Lacy is about as perfect as they come…gets along with everyone and everything!…dogs, kids, cats, chickens…you name it, she’s fine. She loves to play fetch and she loves water. She did get a little anxious in the car, but put her bed on the back seat and she settles nicely. She will only get in and out of the car on the passenger side for safety. Yes, she’s that well trained! She slept in a crate on her bed the first night in rescue but now gets to sleep on her bed in the living room. Because of her neck infection, we haven’t tried walking her, but with everything else we’ve seen, I’m sure she’s perfect with that too. Perfect, beautiful, unique, precious are all adjectives I can use to describe Lacy.
Dog Rating Level 2