382 Casper
Casper is a 6 1/2 year old 60 pound yellow lab/German shorthair cross male. This cross is called a hybrid retriever and the cross has become quite popular among hunters. We were told Casper is a retired hunting dog who now enjoys hanging out with his people and getting a really good scratch…you know the one right above the tail! He gets along with friendly dogs but it takes a bit for him to warm up to new dogs because he was attacked by a dog before we rescued him. Because of this history, Casper would do best as an only dog or with an easy going female dog. After life in a kennel, life in air conditioned comfort of a home is heaven! Casper is totally house trained, but he’ll try to get away with counter surfing…he knows better and stands on his hind legs as if to say ‘I was only looking’. He has nice leash manners, knows sit, here(for come), and knows to go to his crate for bedtime. He doesn’t jump up on you but will occasionally offer his paw. Don’t think because you see 6 years old that Casper is old…he’s anything but old! He is an active, playful dog who would enjoy someone who would play fetch with him every day. His favorite thing to do with his humans is to curl up upside down with his butt up in the air and lay next to you and just be silly.
Dog Rating Level 2