354 Cody
Cody is a 9 year old ~100 pound purebred chocolate male. Cody’s elderly people are seniors in poor health and cannot give Cody the love and attention he deserves. So, very sadly they asked us to help find him a loving compassionate home where he can be totally spoiled in his golden years. He has been an outside dog for the past few years, but it appears he remembers what it was like living in the house. We’ll keep a close eye on him for the next few days to help remind him about housetraining, but so far, so good. He walks easily on leash (even with his owner in a wheel chair). He knows sit, shake and down though he has problems with stay. He takes treats very gently. He lived with a small dog who was the boss, and he met all his foster dog friends with a tail way. Owners also said when neighborhood cats wandered into the yard, he’d welcome them too. He is such a sweet ol’ soul. When you meet him, you’ll fall in love. He is a big milk chocolate teddy bear!
Dog Rating Level 1