324 Hailey
Hailey is a 6 year old 83 pound black female. She and her sister Amber were rescued by a good Samaritan when their owner was not properly caring for them. She did an excellent job of teaching them nice house manners and some basic obedience so each of them would be more adoptable. Hailey is a big girl who likes her food, other dogs, kids and not necessarily in that order. She is such a happy friendly girl who likes cuddling on the couch, going for walks (she is initially very excited), and just being around her people or other dogs. She is house trained, has slept in a crate quietly, knows sit, stay, leave it and go lie down, and she comes most of the time when she is called. Don’t let the gray face fool you…she is 6 with all the energy of a 6 year old lab! She needs more walks and less kibble to get her girlish figure back but she’s up for the challenge! Since Hailey has been with other dogs her entire life, she would be happiest with a dog buddy or a human buddy who will keep her company. No more being left in the back yard all day for Hailey! You are really missing out if you don’t consider this girl she is as easy as they come!
Dog Rating Level 2