299 Rosie
Gunner is 12 and about 70 pounds, Rosie 10 and a little heavier. These 2 lived in an un-maintained yard till their owner dumped them. Long story, but a good Samaritan found them and contacted us. We couldn’t say no. They are 2 of the nicest dogs we’ve had. Gunner, we were told is purebred and he looks it, and Rosie is lab/shepherd (see those ears?). All either of them want to do is sit on your feet and get their ears scratched. We gave them what appeared to be their first baths the other day (at least it seemed that way from the amount of dirt that came off them) and they loved the messages they got. They are house trained, know sit, walk well on a leash, never bark (at least not yet), and are just fine with other dogs. Gunner is the more independent of the 2; Rosie definitely looks to Gunner for guidance. Labs love their food and this pair is no exception. However, they will stop eating if you brush them–they love contact that much! We know labs are resilient, but this pair has been through a lot the last couple months and they are so happy to have a warm soft place to sleep at night. Seniors ask so little and give so much in return and these 2 are so special.
Dog Rating Level 1