275 Zoey
Zoey is about a 65 pound, 3 year old black female. Picked up as a stray after she weaned her last litter of pups, this poor girl needs a little TLC. Her coat is thin and coarse from giving all her nourishment to her pups, but with some good food and vitamins, she’ll grow her lab coat back in no time and get her girlish figure back into shape. And in her post partum state, she came down with a doggie cold from being in the shelter. She is a quiet girl who is not demanding but she does enjoy any and all attention that comes her way. She knows sit and walks ok on a leash. She wags her tail when she sees her foster mom’s dogs but she can’t play with them until she feels better. She is brand new to rescue so we are still getting to know her, so we should see her personality come out in the next few days as she starts to feel better.
Dog Rating Level 2