269 Teal
Teal is a 4 year old purebred black female lab weighing about 73 pounds (she definitely needs to diet). Surrendered with her buddy, Tank, because her people had no housing where they could have the 2 dogs. Teal has been an outside dog living in a kennel and she is crate trained, but she is happy and relaxed now living inside. She gets along great with other dogs and LOVES water. She walks pretty well on leash (could use an obedience course to improve all her commands), and knows sit. Teal is a wiggly, happy, friendly girl who deserves the very best. She will be your friend for life and an awesome companion! We will NOT adopt Teal and Tank together, they each need training and deserve individual time and attention from their new owners. Update: Teal is heartworm positive and will be going through treatment over the next several months. She is now living with the family that intends to adopt her. We will update her bio if anything changes.
Dog Rating Level 2