266 Sophia
Sophia is a 1 year old yellow female lab weighing about 50 pounds. Sadly Sophia had to be given up by her loving parents because both her mom and dad are allergic. She has been well taken care of, had all her puppy vaccinations, and she was taken through a puppy socialization class. She LOVES to swim and play in the water. She also likes to play ball. Sophia would love to have a dog friend in the house to play with, or regular outings with dog play friends. Sophia is crate trained, potty trained, and knows how to use a doggie door. Sophia knows sit and down as well. Sophia has a genetic defect where she cannot use her tongue to drink water or eat food. She is able to eat just fine and dips her snout in the water bucket to capture enough water for a drink, so having her water outside and at an elevated level will work just fine for her. She is very sweet and loving and has not yet found the family willing to overlook this genetic defect with eating and drinking. We are hoping she will find her forever home where she can be loved and cherished as she deserves.
Dog Rating Level 2