263 Georgie
Georgie is an 11 month old black female lab (with some boxer in there) weighing about 63 pounds. Sadly her owner had to give her up due to divorce and moving to a location where she could not have Georgie. Georgie moved right in met all her foster dog friends and has not stopped wagging her tail ever since. She is house trained, knows how to use a doggie door, knows sit, and is crate trained. She is a happy friendly easy going, mellow for her age, girl. Georgie previously lived with a cat, but her owner said she chased the cat just for fun. She is still a puppy, although a very nice well mannered puppy, and could use with an obedience class to improve her leash skills. This is one adorable girl and we love her already. She has a serious look on her face in our photos, it was getting dark outside, because we had a squeaky toy she could not see and was puzzled where the sound was coming from. This is one sweet girl!
Dog Rating Level 2