260 Haylie
Haylie is a 67 pound, 7 year old yellow female. Surrendered by her adopters due to health issues of one of the owners, they returned her back to rescue. Haylie likes kids, dogs and even cats according to her original owner who had her for her first 6 years. She is house trained, crate trained, knows sit, shake and walks nicely on a leash. She has nice house manners except for the opportunistic counter surfing…bad girl! At her adopters’ home, Haylie had an issue with her tail, and it has been amputated to about 6 inches long. Now, instead of wagging her tail, she wags her whole body! Because she has always lived with another dog, she might like having a dog buddy or someone home more at least through this transition. Haylie is a very sweet, lovable girl who just wants to be a part of the family.
Dog Rating Level 2