241 JJ
JJ is a 6 year old purebred about 68 pound yellow male. Sadly given up by his owner when she could not keep her beloved boy in her current living situation, she came to us to find him the perfect home. He has been well loved and well trained, though his training could use a refresher course. He is house trained, crate trained, but prefers to sleep on your bed! He lived with other dogs and cats before and seems good natured about anyone and anything he meets. He loves to carry his kong around just in case someone is up to a game of fetch because he is always ready. But, his owner says he has a condition called exercise induced collapse (EIC) which is genetic. If he is exercised very hard, he will overheat. But normal daily walks or a few throws of the ball are just fine. It’s a condition not uncommon in labs but most people will never know unless they run their dog in agility or do other heavy exercise. JJ is perfectly happy to lay out on the floor at your feet or follow you around the house. This is one perfect and gorgeous boy!
Dog Rating Level 2