225 Sasha
Sasha is a 9 1/2 year old about 71 pound black female, our vet is impressed by how fit she is. Her owner was moved into an assisted living home leaving Sasha and another dog with her daughter. Overwhelmed with everything, the daughter wanted the best for Sasha and contacted us for help. Sasha is perfect: house trained, crate trained, good with kids, and other dogs. She is an even tempered girl who will go with the flow…she has the energy to go jogging, but she’s just as happy with a good walk and she’s good on a leash. She loves car rides and jumps right in for an adventure. We know she lived with a cat, but she met the vet clinic cat and they rubbed muzzles…very sweet. Most of her vet exam was done while she was on her back trying to get a good belly rub from her vet.
Dog Rating Level 1