207 Abby
Abby is a 75 pound 8 year old yellow female. Sweet Abby was rescued last summer from a life of living in a kennel by a good Samaritan. He intended to keep her but he does cat rescue and Abby likes to chase cats. Abby is a dream! She walked into her foster home and said hi to all her dog friends, they showed her the dog door and she checked out the yard…seamless introduction. You would never believe she’s had limited house time. She seems to be house trained, we have her sleeping in a crate for now, but she likes to stretch out on a cool floor for naps. She knows sit and walks ok on a leash. She has very nice house manners, and she has very nice people manners…she doesn’t counter surf nor does she jump on people. We’ve only had Abby for a few days, but so far, she’s been perfect!
Dog Level Rating 1