136 Angus
Angus is an 80 pound 4 year old black male. Angus has come a long way from the un-socialized dog tied to a tree in his back yard for the first 4 years of his life. The poor dog didn’t know the command ‘sit’ when he came into rescue. Now he’s house trained, crate trained and knows sit…labs will do just about anything for a little treat and a positive loving response from their people! Angus thrives on praise and every day his confidence grows. He is still what we call a Level 3 dog, though his foster mom might lower that to a 2.5 now. He is a pushy boy who needs an alpha person to keep him on the straight and narrow. Angus is a very smart boy who tests his boundaries and he needs those boundaries to be the best dog he can be. He is one of the proudest accomplishments of ours and we just want to see him continue to grow and thrive and most of all be a happy well loved lab.
Dog Rating Level 3